Lisa Febre
Biographies & Memoirs
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- Member Since
Oct 2023
- Gender
- Country
United States
- Born
21 May
- Profession
Musician, Writer
Lisa Febre began typing stories at the age of 8, which was just a few short years after she began playing the piano. An early adopter of the blog format in the late 1990s, she has been writing about music, teaching, food, and fitness for over two decades, and has had several articles on veganism and eating disorders printed in the Canadian publication T.O.F.U. Magazine. A devoted Ashtanga yogi, trail runner, and vegan, she credits her healthy habits for helping save her life from Stage-4C Colon Cancer in 2022.
"Round the Twist: Facing the Abdominable" is her first published novel, and hopefully not her last! Her music career has been through many metamorphoses, the most recent being a switch from oboe to cello, so she is not surprised to discover a new career in writing has emerged. She enjoys the challenge of a new direction.
Lisa lives in Chatsworth CA with her husband, Composer Louis Febre, son Andrew, and two rescue dogs: Dusty & Luna